Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fashion Week, New York September 8th, 2011 - September 15th, 2011

Whew! Is it already the end of the year? 
We've been really busy here at STOLL Fashion and Technology, trying to get all the samples ready for our wonderful Designers that are getting ready for Fashion Week and Market Week!

We just want to wish everyone the best of luck this season! :)


Thursday, August 4, 2011

SpinExpo 2011 STOLL

Every year, STOLL has a gigantic booth at SpinExpo and this year, we had the pleasure of decorating the booth with lots of velvet fabric and golden shades. Take a look!

And Every Year, Knit Resource Center also have a beautiful booth set up! Check out their decorations!

This is the trend section of SpinExpo! If you've never been to SpinExpo, you should! It's very inspirational with all the texture and colors.

STOLL Summer Night Party in New York City!

On July 19th, 2011, STOLL Fashion & Technology in New York have not held a party in a while, so we thought, what a great way to celebrate in the Summer time! Mr. Hartmann and Manuela were also in town for SpinExpo (The next blog topic :) and we had a great time! Mr. Hartmann did the draping of the beautiful golden curtains and it really transformed the space with a very romantic feeling! Hence the candles! :)

Stoll Fashion Show Event in Ponzano Veneto

STOLL Germany recently debut their latest collection for Fall/Winter by having the "Stoll Fashion Show Event in Ponzano Veneto."  Us, Stoll New York, wished we were there! But we will just have to look at these pictures and pretend we were :) Check it out! It was a beautiful event!

Pictures are from Marco Curatolo. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

ShanghaiTex 2011 June 14th-June 17th

Check out our ShanghaiTex Show from STOLL SHANGHAI! 

1)    13 machines plus 17 samples
2)    Catwalks: They had 4 different catwalks (China & German SS, AW Collection) per day during the first 3 days.
3)    Fashion Corner: Showing Pattern Libraries, Knit-ABC, Collection samples and trend brochures 
4)    Center’s cooperation with China Academy of Art: To help the graduates realize their design through 5 knitting styles.